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    Cress, Micro-greens, Flowers

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    Nurtured in Norfolk Micro Red Amaranth Cress (25g)

    Red Amaranth micro cress is best used for raw preparations, the delicate micro cress can?t withstand high heat and will wilt in high temperatures. Micro Red Amaranth should be used as a garnish. Amaranth micro cress is well suited for both sweet and savoury dishes. It will add vibrant purple and red colours to a range of culinary creations. Amaranth cress can be used in larger quantities, or just a few stems to enhance the flavour on a plate. Try adding flavoursome garnishes to salmon, pastas, sandwiches and canapés. It can be mixed with other micro herbs and shoots to create earthy, fresh and flavourful salads. In addition, it can be used to garnish a range of desserts including chocolate cakes and yoghurts.

    Nurtured in Norfolk Green Basil Micro-leaves (25g)

    Green Basil micro cress is used to add flavour, texture and colour to a range of dishes and canapés. It?s most commonly used as a flavourful and attractive edible garnish. Just like the mature Basil herb, this micro cress works well with classic pairings. For example, pair with tomato and mozzarella. For sweet dishes this microgreen works well with strawberries. Like most microgreens, green basil is intended for raw preparations. This is because it will wilt if exposed to prolonged heat. Micro Green Basil cress works well on classic flavours and dishes such as pizza and pasta, but can also be used to garnish sweet dishes. The delicate leaves can be incorporated into summer fruit salads as well as chocolate and lemon verbena desserts.

    Nurtured in Norfolk Mizuna Micro-leaves (30g)

    Mizuna micro cress is also know as Water Greens and is best used as a raw garnish for savoury dishes. If using on a hot dish, it is best to use Micro Mizuna as a garnish right at the end, to ensure the micro cress doesn?t wilt. Alternatively, Mizuna micro cress can be used in salads. It?s popular to mix Micro Water Greens with other sharp salad leaves. Or, try sprinkling over soups, stews, cheese platters, roasted meats, pasta or risotto. Furthermore, as a Japanese Mustard Cress, this micro green is very popular in Asian cuisine. The greens can be used to garnish sushi, steamed rice and Asian vegetable side dishes. Known for its peppery taste, this snappy micro herb also works well when sprinkled on canapés.

    Nurtured in Norfolk Coriander Micro-leaves (25g)

    Coriander micro cress is one of our most versatile cresses. It can be used as a garnish and flavouring. Also known as Cilantro, this microgreen can be used in both hot and cold savoury preparations. This micro herb is popular on breakfast dishes such as avocado and eggs. It can also be sprinkled atop ?bolder? dishes. For example, a few shoots can be placed atop Asian curries, fish dishes and canapés. Most commonly, Micro Coriander is used within Mexican and Thai cuisines, as well as Chinese and Indian cuisine. Micro Cilantro pairs well with ingredients such as coconut milk, chilli, citrus, ginger and tomato.